We understand that a diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis can be quite overwhelming.
Patient Experiences:
King's College London's patient expert panel run a blog detailing their own experiences with Rheumatoid Arthritis and the work they are doing to improve awareness and patient care. You can find it here: King's College London Musculoskeletal Expert Patient Blog
If you have had a brilliant experience with your rheumatology team, we would love to hear from you! We are always looking to promote high standards of care and showcase the best of the NHS.
Please contact NEIAA Project Manager at audit@rheumatology.org.uk
Pain UK – provides information about pain accompanying the MSK conditions.
Mind – the mental health charity.
Scope – the disability equality charity in England and Wales. Provides advice and support with finances, housing, transport, equipment.
Disability Rights UK – aims to influence national policy on independent living, benefits, education, employment, transport, human rights and other issue.
Blue Badge scheme – helps you park closer to your destination if you’re disabled.
Libraries can provide access to the books outlining particular physical condition. To find your local library, go to: https://www.gov.uk/local-library-services
New2RA - A self-help guide for people with newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis, provided by NRAS
New2RA Patient Info
Ask your GP for more information regarding application for Blue Badge and tax exemptions.